Cultural and natural landscape

Project to preserve a cultural and natural landscape

Through the maintenance, reconstruction or restoration of various objects of cultural and environmental interest, we intend to preserve and revalue a typical landscape. A network of trails connects the various sites and helps to promote a sustainable and informative tourism thus creating new incentives for Mergoscia’s local trade and social life. In order to reach those goals, the following interventions are projected:

  • Reconstruction and maintenance of derelict buildings and objects of cultural value: mill, bakehouse, press, kiln, dry walls, woodchopper rope and hemp well.
  • Recultivation of abandoned agricultures: vineyards, chestnut orchards, coppice.
  • Nature conservation and promotion of biodiversity: construction of a pond, cultivation of xeric grassland and wetlands, cleaning of caves.
  • Revaluation of the above elements by implementing a culture and nature trail.
  • Promoting local tourism through advertising the signposted nature and culture trail and the publication of a small guide.
  • Promoting the socio-cultural life of Mergoscia in various events, i.e. inauguration of the baking house, joint maintenance work, etc.
  • Promoting local economy by training qualified maintenance personnel and organizing further education programs (woodwork, construction of dry-stone walls).