Our projects have been supported by:
- Comune di Mergoscia
- Patriziato di Mergoscia
- Organizzazione Turistica Lago Maggiore e Valli – Area Tenero e Valle Verzasca
- Schweizer Berghilfe
- Bafu CH
- Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung
- Cantone Ticino
- Fonds Landschaft Schweiz
- Lotteriefonds des Kantons Zürich
- Ernst Göhner Stiftung
- Jubiläumsstiftung Schweizerische Mobiliar
- Otto-Gamma-Stiftung
- Pro Patria
- Schweizerische Doron-Preis-Stiftung
- Swiss Foundation for Landscape Conservation
- Vontobel-Stiftung
If you wish to support our projects, please deposit your donation in the following bank account:
Banca Raiffeisen, Cugnasco Gordola Verzasca, 6516 Cugnasco
a favore di 8425.89 clearing 80280, Associazione Pro Mergoscia, 6647 Mergoscia
IBAN: CH31 8028 0000 0008 4258 9
Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.